Clover Express (Project Home) Appen Work from Home 2020 7737 views4 applications
Job Overview
- Rate / hour $3.5-15
- Date Posted January 16, 2020
Contents of Job
- An active Facebook account with at least 25 friends.
- Android or IOS device either mobile or tablet.
What to do in Clover Express?
- Check your email and also the “Technical Information” page for detailed instructions on how to access the survey before navigating to the Survey Link.
- For your participation in the survey, you will receive a payment of $2 (USD). Additional Information on accessing the survey can be found in the technical information page of the project.
- You can only take the survey once every 28 days!
What are the requirements of Clover Express?
- Active Facebook Account.
- Android device – this survey must be completed with access to an Android mobile device.
- The first time completing the survey or 28 days have passed since the last completion.
All steps in the survey must be completed on an android device.
- You will be contacted within 48 hours with the direct link to our survey in Clover Express.
- Complete the survey while using your Android device. You will complete the survey in your browser while looking at content on your Android Device’s Facebook application
- Please be sure to restart your phone or device before beginning the survey.
- Do Not open the FB app until directed to by the survey
- After completion has been successfully confirmed, we will upload a payment to your invoice. NOTE: You can only complete this survey once every 28 days, surveys completed before this time will be ineligible for payment
- Payment will be sent through Payoneer
Ideal Resume for this work from home jobs
This is an ideal resume having relevant keywords required for a work from home job opportunity. You can try to create a resume like this with these skill sets, keywords on your own resume.
Model Resume