Appen work from Home Jobs Overview

I want to teach you how to make money from home now today we are going to learn about how and if happen the social media evaluators position is a legit position and if you can make money right simple as that alright so I went through this application process because I wanted to tell you why if it works and I complete the application and part about 5-10 minutes very simple I applied with my Facebook profile you can do the same or you can apply using your Google profile your Gmail profile or you can create a username password whichever is easier for you.
You just got to answer a couple of questions insert your skillset in your interest in which would be interesting also, the language preference if you talk more than you speak more than one language like thumbs up right um you know that’s it application complete that same day I received the response you know the typical response that you get thank you for your interest in our company yes I got that email and they would contact me as soon as something came open with my interest and skill level BAM alright so about five days later five little simple easy days went by and I received the email from a recruiter presenting me with the project I was given the opportunity to review the project and basically the review of the project was the hours I would be working the duties the pay rate the language that I selected in the company of the projects was a third-party company that I would be working for alright so after that I still I accepted the proposal then the company contacted me with the same similar review of the project so basically I just went over it again I had to do some acknowledgment and agree to the services of the project and the
to the project as well as the length of time okay once accepted.
I was sent over a pavement set up through a from Epping this was through a thing called Payoneer which was like alright they already trying to get those coins together. I’m liking this already right day five okay took me about 25 minutes to set it up you can either do direct deposit you can do a Visa Check Card or MasterCard through Payoneer or a physical check I don’t know if it’s just me or not but I really just go ahead get my check fast. I don’t want the way to the mail for a check you feed me but you know it’s up to you happy you want to do alright so lastly I received my credentials to allow me to log in to my workspace in my back office. And I received a start update so the start update was about two days three days later after I received my welcome set your pay up that whole type of thing alright got my start date and in my and after I got my start date.
Basically I was I had to kind of go through the process of just kind of setting up my profile which they did pretty much did everything for you I was given my first assignment which was totally easy now I would say for the social media evaluators position you will have to go through like a 60 step like evaluating social media process of course just to see if you can put certain things in different categories is it something that you’re able to do how fast can you do it and they’re not even worried about speed they worried about accuracy if you can be accurate you are okay well guess what BAM gets a paycheck alright well direct deposit cuz member I don’t like that paycheck they, uh and so it’s a quick simple easy way to make money I’ve been doing it now for about nine days. No, I’m sorry twelve days and it’s been pretty nice I’ve also actually as I’m doing this particular project I’ve been I received another email about a new project this project is in regards to conserving A’s.

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