a family where you have friends where you have professional connections where you feel comfortable. And where you’re happy well then you may be limited to a very small list of employers in your local area that is in your particular industry or you go the opposite path and you say you know what, I know that I’m going to have to now move to New York or I know that I’m going to have to move to LA or I’m in software and I know I’m going to have to move to go but I want to choose where I work so if you choose where you work you have to take the leap of moving across the country potentially away from all your friends from all your family from the networks that you’ve already built just for the purpose of taking that particular job.
If you’re married or have a significant other or family it affects all of them as well and so this Iron Triangle affects our lifestyles in a very fundamental way it binds us to particular places or makes us forgo our human connections for pursuing a specific job the promise of remote employment is that with remote employment on the table we can break this iron triangle you can actually have