Atlas, Image Categorization online job for students & graduates by Appen

Atlas, Image Categorization online job for students & graduates by Appen 14151 views4 applications

Job Overview

  • Rate / hour $3.5-16
  • Date Posted August 9, 2020

Atlas is an online job for students and graduates from Appen on food image categorization, image labeling, and evaluation. Before applying for the Atlas project, it is highly recommended that you understand everything about this project and take your time to read this page till the end and it will help you to crack the project easily. You will also see how the real work page looks like at the end of this page, reading and understanding everything about the job will come in the handy while the qualification process.

Do you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself? 

Would you like to help make search engine results better for end-users?

Do you enjoy researching, learning new things, organizing, and labeling?

What is Atlas online job?

  • The purpose of this project is:
    • To associate dishes with restaurant types so when a user searches for a dish, they can find a restaurant that serves that dish in their country.
  • For this task:
    • You will be shown a dish and four restaurant types. You will need to answer whether the dish is typically offered at each restaurant type in your country.
    • Use both your common sense understanding and online research as the case might need. Put yourself in the shoes of the searcher when you answer.


Atlas Online Job Overview:

In this job, you will be shown a list of dishes and cuisines. You will need to judge whether you would associate the dish with the cuisine. Judgments should be specific to your country.

For example, would you associate a “Barbacoa Burrito” with “Mexican Cuisine” in your country?

Passion for food and restaurants is encouraged!

Atlas online job Productivity expectations:

Tasks will be available in large daily batches. We may have 1 day of work per week or we may have much more. We need your help to complete tasks within 24-hour turnaround time. We will give you a specific schedule of the days when work is available. On those days, we expect you to work up to 6 hours per day OR MORE as long as tasks are available. You are a contractor, so your hours are flexible. Work will be intermittent, with periods of time when there is no work available. The volume of tasks may vary from week to week.

This is a short-term, ad-hoc project. However, there is HUGE potential for the project to extend until the end of the year. We need you to become a part of our ongoing rater pool and be on call to rate when work is available. You can work on this project alongside any other project you have now or in the future.

Project hours are available only when work is loaded within the tool. The Atlas project ramps up quickly and is fast-paced. This means that work can start and end suddenly. We do our best to pivot raters to other available tasks within the project, but there may be periods of time when there is no work available. We value your flexibility, and we will send out regular email notifications to let you know when work is available.

  • Goal task time: 80 seconds (20 seconds per judgment)
    • This is the speed you should be rating each task (1 page with 4 judgments).
  • Minimum task time: 10 seconds
    • If you submit faster than this time, then the tool will automatically kick you out of the job and you will need to contact support to get back in.
  • Maximum task time: 3 minutes
    • If you submit slower than this time, then the page will time out and you will lose the work on that page. You can click the link again to resume rating. You do not need to contact support.
  • 1 task = 1 page with 4 judgments
    • The Rate Per Hour goal is 180 judgments per hour, which equals 45 tasks per hour
    • 1 judgment is your rating of 1 dish and cuisine pair

Why Atlas online job is the best opportunity for you?

  • No commute and flexible hours! – work from home, any time of the day, you make your own business hours.
  • Interesting & rewarding – you will be exposed to products, local businesses, and more – while getting paid!
  • Sense of achievement – you will be making the end-user experience on the internet better by organizing all the big data out there!
  • Attentive project management team – we will partner with you for success, addressing any questions or concerns along the way!

Tools Requirements for Atlast project:

We will be using the Figure Eight tool for this project. This tool is now called the Appen Contributor Portal, but you may see both names used. This is a user-friendly annotation tool for data labelers or contributors.

The qualification process for Atlas work from the home job:

Before a project assignment, evaluators complete a qualification process of 3-5 hours over a 4-5 business day period. Once accepted on a project, evaluators must meet consistent service levels that measure the accuracy of their work.

Atlas online job Productivity Conclusion:

  • Commitment to work up to 6 hours or more on days when work is available, though you are a contractor and can set your own hours. We will provide a schedule and a link to the task.
  • If you are unable to work on a scheduled day, then you can report unavailability and not be penalized.
  • Commitment to submit 45 tasks / 180 judgments per hour on average
  • Availability to start work as soon as next week
  • Availability to become a part of our rater pool and be on call for future tasks through the end of the year
  • Flexibility to work from 1 day per week up to much more, though there will be periods of time when no work is available.

Join our team and become a part of our rater pool through the end of the year!

How does the Image labeling online job rating page look like?

This is how the real job rating page will look like.

  • In this job, you will be shown a dish and four cuisine names.
  • Your task is to judge whether the dish could be associated with the cuisines in the country specified.
  • It is important that all your judgments are specifically addressing the country in this task.
  • For example, would you associate a “Barbacoa Burrito” with “Mexican cuisine” in your country?
  • On every page, you will be shown 1 dish and 4 cuisine names
    • Click on the links associated with the dish and cuisines to explore examples of them
  • You will be asked:
    • In COUNTRY, with which CUISINES do you associate the DISH?
  • Provide an answer for the dish in each of the 4 cuisines on the page. Use one of 4 possible answers:
    • Yes
    • No
    • Don’t Know
    • Not A Good Dish Name
  • See the Rules and Tips section for how to answer and handle exceptions
YESYes, I would associate this CUISINE with this DISH in this COUNTRY – make sure that your answer is COUNTRY SPECIFIC, i.e. that the dish is part of the cuisine in the specific country for this task
NONo, I would NOT associate this CUISINE with this DISH in this COUNTRY – make sure that your answer is COUNTRY SPECIFIC, i.e. that the dish is part of the cuisine in the specific country for this task
DON’T KNOWAfter a web search for the cuisine and dish in the specified COUNTRY in this task, I still DON’T KNOW whether this DISH is associated with it
NOT A GOOD DISH NAMEThis is NOT A GOOD DISH NAME, choose this answer if this is a bad dish name, note that both food and drinks fall into the category of dishes

Examples of image rating job

YESBarbacoa BurritoMexican cuisineIn France
NOBarbacoa BurritoArgentine cuisineIn France
NOT A GOOD DISH NAMEBeer GardenGerman cuisineIn France

Atlas, image labeling job Questions and Answers

dish: BananaDo I judge based on “Banana” as a dish name only? Or, should I consider “Banana Nutella Crepe” and other Banana dishes I know?You should consider “Banana” dish only and not “Banana Nutella Crepe” or other Banana dishes you know. Judge whether you would typically see this dish in restaurants or cookbooks in your country.
dish: CoffeeDo I rate this as “Not a good dish name”? It is a drink.No, “Coffee” is an acceptable dish name. Drinks fall into the category of dishes.
dish: BurgerDo I rate this as “Not a good dish name”? It is vague and too generic.No, “Burger” is an acceptable dish name. Generic dish names also fall into the category of dishes.
dish: PatronDo I rate this as “Not a good dish name”? It is a brand of a drink (brand of tequila without the accent on the “o”, i.e. “Patrón”). It also has another meaning without the accent (a type of person).No, “Patron” is an acceptable dish name. Brand names are acceptable as dish names. You can assume that this means “Patrón tequila”.
cuisine: Pacific RimHow shall I interpret this as a cuisine name?Sometimes, cuisine names could sound like countries or regions. You should consider the phrase “Pacific Rim cuisine” in your judgment.
cuisine: Dim SumHow shall I interpret this as a cuisine name?Sometimes, cuisine names could sound like dishes. You should consider the phrase “Dim Sum cuisine” in your judgment.

How to apply for Atlas Online job?

1. The first step towards a successful application is a good resume including all your technical skills, language skills, abilities, experiences, academic qualifications, and hobbies. 


2. Click here to apply for the project once your resume is ready and after completing your application successfully, it may take up to 72 hours to review your account. Once your account is fully activated, you will be invited to choose the mode that you would like to get paid, complete the payment profile.

3. Click on qualify for the Atlas project along with other projects that you would be interested in from your all projects tab on your dashboard.

4. You will receive a mail within a few days regarding the qualification examination of the project.

5. Complete the qualification quiz of the Atlas project for starting this online job.

6. Wait for the email from your project manager to start working.

General Requirements for the image categorization work from home job:

  • The contractor must reside, and have resided for 5+ consecutive years, in the country for which the testing is being performed
  • A passionate and avid interest in working with the Internet.
  • Experience with Web browsers to navigate and evaluate a variety of content.
  • A broad interest and current knowledge of social culture, media, food, sports, news, business, celebrities, and the Internet.
  • Flexibility to learn from changing standards and tasks.
  • Detail-oriented and strives for continuous high performance and accuracy. Must be able to easily switch between subjective and literal tasks.
  • Ability to work independently and possess good time-management skills.
  • Be fluent in written and verbal English.
  • Be fluent in the written and verbal local market language.
  • Excellent research and decision capability: ability to see both the possible intent and purpose of a Web page.
  • Excellent troubleshooting, communication, and problem-solving skills.
  • Consultants must have local knowledge, be internet savvy, and have the ability to perform effective side searches.
  • Familiarity with local social media and review sites is important.
Apply for this job Apply via Facebook

One Comment

  1. Akashdeep Singh

    Location task has come on atlas, i don’t know how to do it please help me


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Company Information
  • Total Jobs: 21 Jobs
  • Location Work from Home
  • Full Address Appen Butler Hill Pty Ltd. 5050 Hopyard Rd. #425 Pleasanton, California 94588 Toll free: + 1-866-673-6996 From outside the US: + 1-646-224-1146
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